Project Title: Banking Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS)
Name: Pranali Gajbhiye
Project Name: Banking Dashbord
Sonu -
Sonu posted a new course. 2 months ago
Investment Portfolio Tracker (JavaScript)
Name:Siddhi Hanmant Jadhav
Project Name:Investment portfolio tracker
Video Link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/au7sfexc0n2as73/Investment+Portfolio+Tracker.mp4/filemediafire.com
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Sonu -
Project Title: Banking Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS)
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Sonu -
Project Title: Banking Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS)
Name: Pranali Gajbhiye
Project Name: Banking Dashbord
Video Link:Sonu -
Project Title: Banking Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS)
name: subhashree
Front End UI UX (7/10):
Best Practices (8/10):Voice / Tone (7/10):
Confidence (8/10):
Clarity of Scope of Work (7/10):Sonu -
Investment Portfolio Tracker (JavaScript)
Name:Ritik Sunil Kuhite
Project Name: Investment Portfolio Tracker (JavaScript)
Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWYbGkF3RNTXazqnvrKAAtwPM9RTw3Om/view?usp=drive_linkCode Link: https://github.com/Ritikuhite/Investment-Portfolio-Tracker
Application Link:
============Sonu -
Name: Poojitha Pasula
Project Name: Banking Dashboard
Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/124NhXvNdcaEYmFpACUGyQnZx6Nm_B6jt/view?usp=drive_linkCode Link:https://github.com/PasulaPoojitha/Creerphi-Internship-web-development/tree/main
Sonu -
Project Title: Banking Dashboard (HTML, CSS, JS)
Reviewer’s Name : P.Poojitha
Project Name :Banking dashboard
Front End UI UX (__/10): 7
Best Practices (__/10): 8Voice / Tone (__/10):9
Confidence (__/10):8
Clarity of Scope of Work (__/10):8Sonu - Load More